Works Of Art nader heydari
About Artwork But his first love was an easy problem Hafez

Line drawing game that in the past five decades Vmtrh use it from the Yenisei artists are active in this field. I think when an artist of traditional calligraphic forms to create a spectacular effect using different materials and creating visual effect creates the fundamentals of Weber's unconventional space. Vbnvy line and calligraphy on his priorities as an influential element consider .. Mito

Since 1375 in the field of traditional calligraphy, especially Nstlyq Am.vaz started its activities in 1390 have continued their activities in calligraphy. Studies in Graphic Design have completed a bachelor's degree. Art activities for 20 years …
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But his first love was an easy problem Hafez

  • Artwork's Code: 0726108608
  • Category: Calligraphy - Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Material: Canvas
  • Date Created (Georgian Date) : 2016
  • Dimensions: 120 * 120
  • Edition: Limited

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