I was born in 1974 in Tehran. I received sculturing diploma from Fine Arts School, graphics BA from Al-zahra University, and MA in Illustration from Art University of Tehran.


I am a weaver and fiber artist who was inspired by architecture art. The Iranian weaves are rooted in the ecological, social, and geographical culture and belief context. These items with practical use are based on the ecology of each region. My works based on the Iranian traditional architecture such as the weave art form some parts of our memories and past.
My weaving method is Kilim-weaving produced by interweaving the warp and weft strands. For me, the weaving is relaxing and fantastic similar to spiritual traditions. I attempt to create a new path for protecting architecture art and of course weaving in industrial modern world by my weaves.
My works have been exhibited in different places such as artistic galleries, industrial spaces, public places, and historical buildings for the purpose of displaying my worries about gradual elimination of Iranian arcitecture art aesthetics.