Marjaneh Pourhosein

Marjaneh Pourhosein

Art photogerapher


Marjaneh Pourhossein was born on 1984/3/26 in Tehran
He has a bachelor's degree in painting and a master's degree in graphics and a photography degree from Iran's Photographers' House

Beginning of artistic activity in 1988

Professional theater and stage photographer since 1992
Photography of about two hundred shows performed on the stage

Member of Theater Photographers Association and member of the Board of Directors of the 7th and 8th term of Theater Photographers Association and member of Mashhad Visual Arts Association in the fields of photography and painting.

Cooperation with Cinema and Theater Monthly in the theater photo section in 1992-1994

Holding several group exhibitions on behalf of the Association of Theater Photographers, as well as participating in several group exhibitions in Tehran and the city in the field of photography and painting, participating in several domestic and foreign festivals and winning positions in these festivals.

The first place in the photo section of the 16th Press Competition of the Theater Critics and Writers Association, the photo was commended in the 6th Shahr Theater Festival, participation in the photo exhibition of the 35th Fajr International Theater Festival up to the 40th edition and the photo section was commended in the 38th edition of the festival. Fajr International Theater, participating in the exhibition of the Iranian Art Festival in Tehran and France and the third place in the popular vote in this festival, participating in the French Redisime Photo Festival (2018) and winning psa (Photographic Society of America) recognition and medal, participating in the sixth exhibition Ten-day course with photographers, participation in the 14th and 15th annual photo exhibition, theater photo judge at the 15th Ardibehesht Khaneh Theater Festival and participation in the theater photo exhibition of the 15th and 16th Ardibehesht Khaneh Theater Festival, second place in the photo section of the 16th National Theater Festival Resistance, one of the selected photographers of the 18th Tehran Puppet Show Festival, acceptance of photos in several periods of Khayyam International Festival