visual artist and calligrapher
Artist Focus: Rouhoallah Ataiean
Calligrapher – IRAN
RouhoAllah Ataiean: graphic designer, painter and calligraphist, Living in Tehran Iran, was fully engaged in variety of branches in arts including music and photography. His deep affections and passions for art and aesthetics made him use every topic with a good visual aspect to create an artwork. He believes that he has a different perspective from his surrounding, and uses calligraphy to express his inner feelings. In all his artworks, Rouhoallah is inspired by nature.
Designing book covers, teaching in art centers and designing various posters for different organisms and ministers are among his other activities. A new collection of his calligraphy is being ready for an exhibition. “Specific form of Persian alphabets has interesting structure and graphic. I try to emphasize my works on colors and shapes and not to the specific techniques. To create an art I leave myself completely free of style, and not following any specific rule, because I believe art should come from the deepest feeling. If I can deeply be connected with a piece of poem, I could instantly figure out a form for it in my Mind, and then begin my artwork.” said Rouhoallah about his art.
The calligraphic feeling method will be reveal for the first time by this artist.