Works Of Art nader heydari
About Artwork I don't know

Now with the trend and development of society in all fields. Art also needs to keep pace with other currents with a contemporary look while preserving the tradition. In this work, by using the Nastaliq line and creating exciting visual spaces and breaking the structure of the form and repeating it, a new and new sacrifice can be created. In this work, I tried to involve the word "I don't know" in a mysterious and sharp way like the events around us. which in this case will result in an answer like I don't know

Since 1375 in the field of traditional calligraphy, especially Nstlyq Am.vaz started its activities in 1390 have continued their activities in calligraphy. Studies in Graphic Design have completed a bachelor's degree. Art activities for 20 years …
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Nader Heydari

I don't know

  • Artwork's Code: 0218199917
  • Category: Calligraphy - Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Material: Canvas
  • Date Created (Georgian Date) : 2023
  • Dimensions: 80 * 80
  • Edition: One

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