Works Of Art nader heydari
About Artwork God sometimes lookfor

I made this work using acrylic paint and ink and gold leaf on the canvas, considering that Nastaliq calligraphy, as the bride of Islamic calligraphy, and especially black calligraphy, is considered to be the highest skill and beauty of calligraphy, so I tried to create a beautiful visual space with originality. Adhering to the principles and rules of calligraphy with a contemporary look in writing siah mashak and combining it with various materials and basically gold leaf, which is a spiritual color to induce the spiritual sense of the divine word. I present to the viewer the board that is aligned with the meaning and content

Since 1375 in the field of traditional calligraphy, especially Nstlyq Am.vaz started its activities in 1390 have continued their activities in calligraphy. Studies in Graphic Design have completed a bachelor's degree. Art activities for 20 years …
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Nader Heydari

God sometimes lookfor

  • Artwork's Code: 2131035439
  • Category: Calligraphy - Painting
  • Technique: Mixed Media
  • Material: Canvas
  • Date Created (Georgian Date) : 2023
  • Dimensions: 100 * 100
  • Edition: One

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