مژده سوری

مژده سوری

In urban life, although people are far from the nature, they try to bring a part of nature to their homes by keeping flowers and plants. These plants, which are purchased by the people, communicate unconsciously with the environment and the people living around them, and are affected by them. The reason I went through this subject was what I had experienced with the plants I keep at home; the plants that faded and died, but revived as the people living near them changed their lives and moved to a new place. The plants that looked fresh, but did not change for a long time; they did not grow, did not sprout, and did not even die, and remained indifferent like their coexistents (human). This coexistence of urban people with their plants conveys a sense that I try to manifest in this collection. مژده سوری نقاش و عضو موسسه هنرهای تجسمی معاصر می باشد. سوری از مدویوم های متنوع برای درک هر چه بیشتر معنا در آثارش استفاده می کند. طراحی، چاپ دستی و نقاشی از جمله آن ها است. او در آثارش تلاش می کند با نگاهی موشکافانه ارزش ها و هنجار های اجتماعی در جامعه را به چالش بکشاند؛ تا از این طریق هویت فرهنگی و اجتماعی انسان در جامعه خود را مورد پرسش قرار دهد. همچنین او در زمینه هنرهای شهری با توجه به الگو های طبیعت، نماد و نشانه های هنر و فرهنگ ایران آثاری را خلق کرده است. سوری نمایشگاه های انفرادی و گروهی در داخل و خارج از کشور برگزار نموده است.