Works Of Art nader heydari
About Artwork Surah Hamad Quran

Surah al-Hamd is a verse that the Muslims invite themselves to calmly each and every day. And this is how time spins around in your cycle, and it goes on. Then, this spin and the passage of time are circling around the universe in all respects and in spite of everything. The form of this effect is from the spin of existence in the universe. And the repetition of words and letters and their complexity and complexity indicate the existence of order

Since 1375 in the field of traditional calligraphy, especially Nstlyq Am.vaz started its activities in 1390 have continued their activities in calligraphy. Studies in Graphic Design have completed a bachelor's degree. Art activities for 20 years …
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Nader Heydari

Surah Hamad Quran

  • Artwork's Code: 2270746703
  • Category: Calligraphy - Painting
  • Technique: Mixed Media
  • Material: Canvas
  • Date Created (Georgian Date) : 2016
  • Dimensions: 150 * 150
  • Edition: One

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