Works Of Art nader heydari
About Artwork from the collecation i dont know

Due to developments in contemporary Iranian paintings as well as trends in calligraphy that have given rise to new perspectives in these fields. Therefore, the trend of innovative creations has led to traditional and especially to traditional form and content in painting. One of the important goals of this view. In the drawing line. Creates three important points in the artist's mind. Which include. Deformation means changing the form of the letters of the translation, exaggerating the letters and acceleration. It means simplifying letters. Using the pen's ability and cognitive ability to paint the artist, the artist can use letter forms along with painting techniques. To create beauty, create a work of art.

Since 1375 in the field of traditional calligraphy, especially Nstlyq Am.vaz started its activities in 1390 have continued their activities in calligraphy. Studies in Graphic Design have completed a bachelor's degree. Art activities for 20 years …
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Nader Heydari

from the collecation i dont know

  • Artwork's Code: 3654907454
  • Category: Calligraphy - Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Material: Canvas
  • Date Created (Georgian Date) : 2019
  • Dimensions: 145 * 75
  • Edition: One

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